Our time with Casey and Dillon was nothing short of spectacular!! Our hearts were so full after this sweet summer engagement session in our beautiful hometown of Rockport, Indiana!
Growing up in a small town means everyone knows (& vividly remembers) everyone! So, when Casey reached out to us with the exciting news of their upcoming wedding, we were over the moon!! Our hearts jump for joy every time we get the chance to celebrate with friends from our younger days!! The nostalgia, the memories, alllll the feelings rush in and we LOVE IT!! Marriage is pretty much the best thing, and capturing these moments for childhood friends is magical.
First up was the engagement session!! (Our fav!) Planning the session with Casey was a blast!! We messaged back and forth, dreamt of alllll the things, and nailed down the perfect gameplan!! It may have been a hot summer evening, but we had such an incredible time watching these two just be their normal, cute selves! Those giggles, those snuggles…those are all real and genuine moments, friends!! Couples like Casey and Dillon have the very best kind of love!! Now, let the countdown begin…because it’s almost wedding time!! YAY!!!
We actually met at Holiday World. We went to the same high school and never knew each other until 2014, right before I was about to leave for college! Dillon was getting moved to the same workstand as me and he claims that he saw me through the window, dorky uniform and all, and whispered to his friend, “I’m gonna get with her.” And he was right!
Becoming one and getting to spend it with our closest family and friends!
Casey: Caring for others
Dillon: making my future wife happy 😉
Husband & Wife. Creative Entrepreneurs. Photographers. Artists. World Travelers. Coaches. We’re here to take you along with us as we chase our wildest dreams, build big businesses that feed our souls, capture memories for epic humans, and see this beautiful world... together.
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