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Life and Love Sessions

Elizabeth and Claire’s Sunset Session

June 24, 2024

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The Goedde Family Session

The Bishop sisters…to know them is to absolutely love them.🫶🏼  Capturing life’s precious moments is always a joy, but when it involves people as wonderful as Elizabeth and Claire plus their sweet babes…oh it’s truly something special!! This sunset session with this sweet duo + their cutie littles was pure magic!! The laughs, the giggles, the glowy sunshine, watching their bond grow in this sweet season, the adorable baby smiles…we’re beyond obsessed!!! 🥹 We feel so lucky to know this family, to love them so dearly and to capture their lives!✨

Scroll down to read E+C’s featured Q/A’s and keep scrolling to see a preview of their dreamy sunset mini session!📸💕

What is something that makes your family/bond special?

E: “I cannot emphasize enough what a gift it is that my little sister really is my very best friend in this life. Having our babies 11 weeks apart and being able to experience motherhood together has been priceless. Knowing that August and Heidi will grow up together is a dream come true.”

C: “My sister is my best friend and to be able to have our little ones grow up together and become future besties is priceless to us. That is what makes our family bond so special.”

What has been your favorite family vacation so far?

E: “We flew to Hawaii in November 2021 with our parents and Kane (Brook had to work!) and it was just the best. We didn’t do anything notable – we laid in the sun for a week and ate our weight in pineapple. All of our lives are always so busy; it was so nice to just be together and be still for once.”

C: “A few years ago we all went to Hawaii together before our little ones were born. We had the best time laughing and soaking up lots of sun! We look so forward to being able to take our little ones on vacation soon!”

What lessons do you wish to pass down to your children?

E: “Growing up, we were always taught to ‘treat the janitor the same way you would the CEO’, which translates into showing kindness to all. I hope to raise Heidi to be a kind human full of compassion for all living things, and to know that happiness is most often about the little things in life – being true to yourself, finding beauty in nature, and surrounding yourself with authentic people.”

C: “We live in a beautiful world that can also spread such ugliness around. I wish for my son to know the importance of being kind and always offering a helping hand to those who need it. I wish for him to be true to himself, to be humble, and to always have integrity!”

What is the best memory you have of your family doing something together?

E: “Not necessarily one specific memory, but when we were growing up, I loved that we always did things as a family. Oftentimes in the summer we would go out on the river, and I can remember how much I loved that we were simply all together.”

C: “Being pregnant at the same time as my sister will always be one of my most cherished memories!”

What is your favorite family tradition?

E: “Easy – Sunday dinner at our Grandparents’ cabin.”

C: “Our favorite family tradition would have to be Sunday dinners at my Grandparents cabin! It’s something I hope to continue on with our children.”

Would you rather time-travel into the past to meet your ancestors or into the future to meet your descendants?

E: “This one is tough!! Part of me would love to meet the family that has yet to be born from the love we all share now, but I have always been a sucker for history, too.”

C: “I think I would rather travel to the past to meet my ancestors. I think we could learn so much from them and what they wish they would have done differently or what they wouldn’t have changed at all! I would also love to see what the world looked like in the past!”

What’s next for your family?!

E: “We’re taking things day-by-day and trying to enjoy the present. I’ve been working towards being more intentional in finding joy in where we are now instead of always looking to the future for what’s to come (although there is so much to look forward to, of course!)”

C: “The next steps for our family is simply to enjoy life to the fullest and enjoy every minute with one another!”

What was your favorite part of your session with B&B?

E: “I’m biased – I love them both personally and professionally, so everything is my favorite! They make everything feel so effortless, truly. It was less than 6 years ago that I graduated college in the hospitality and event management industry and so admired B + B. I vividly remember hoping to *someday* be able to work with them in some capacity. Not only have I had the pleasure of collaborating with them professionally over the past 6 years, but also the pleasure of calling them genuine friends. They have been there for so many milestones in my life and the lives of my family.”

C: “My favorite part of the sessions with B + B is how you feel like you are catching up with old friends that you haven’t seen in a while. They are so easy to talk to and they will make you laugh until you cry (in the best way possible!). They are such kind souls and some of the most genuine people I have ever met. I simply could go on and on about them for hours, but I think you should book with them and find out for yourselves just how wonderful they truly are! 🤍”

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